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’ She slowly unbuttoned the shirt taking her time wanting to excite him with her body. The shirt slid down her shoulders and she was naked before him. He motioned for her to sit on the sofa with him. When she was sitting, between his legs her back to him, he brought the flute to her lips and let her taste the chilled wine. She had not noticed how thirsty she was until the cool liquid went down he throat. His hand came up and began to tease her nipple ‘do you like what I’m doing?’ ‘Yes, I like it very much.’ He placed the flute on the table and his other hand began to touch her other nipple. He could feel her becoming excited at his touch. His mouth moved to her neck where he began sampling the smooth flesh there. ‘Tell me how much you like what I’m doing Silk.’ ‘Oh, I like it so much, I love the feel of your mouth on my skin, the way your hands make me hot for you.’ His moved his hands over her body feeling her skin, exciting her, making her want him more and more. He turned her. I kissed her and slept there cuddled with her.In the morning when she woke up she gave me a blowjob for me to wake up. And then we both fucked. I left the room thanking my uncle. I also told him that he can fuck my mom every day as I had read his messages.He promised me that once he would include me too while fucking her. Then, I left for home to watch what my fucking mother was doing alone.As usual, dad was on a trip, he called me to tell us that he wouldn’t be back for 4 days. While telling that I heard some sounds from the other side of the call staying, “Come on put the mobile down. We are having a foursome and I don’t like an interruption.” (In the background-“Aah ahhhh ahhh yes ahh,” was going on.)It was common anyways coz he always does it. He fucks different women along with his friends when on trips. I put a word about this to my mom that dad wouldn’t be back for 4 days. She was happy anyways coz she could again get fucked for 4 days.She put a message to my uncle. My uncle.
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